Arbitrator Data

Calendar of Awards Submitted by the Arbitrator

The calendar below shows the dates and numbers of awards submitted by the Arbitrator. This may be an indicator of whether the awards are generally submitted in bulk or on a rolling basis.



Number of Awards Over Time

This graph shows the weekly numbers of awards submitted by the Arbitrator. This gives a picture of relative caseload trends for this Arbitrator.




Percentage of Awards in Favor of Applicant

This graph shows the monthly rate of awards in favor of the Applicant vs. Respondent. The blue line shows the percentage of awards rendered by this Arbitrator in favor of the Applicant. The red line shows only considers the awards in cases by the given Respondent.




Average Time to Award

The blue line shows the average number of days between the actual hearing and the Arbitrator making the hearing closed. This may be an indicator of the Arbitrator’s willingness to accept post-hearing submissions or to continue hearings. The red line shows the average number of days between the hearing being closed and the award being submitted. This is useful to set expectations of when an award may be rendered.




The table below shows the awards written by the Arbitrator starting with the most recent.