Alpha Health Care Plus Med. v Progressive Ins. Co. (2007 NY Slip Op 52209(U))

Reported in New York Official Reports at Alpha Health Care Plus Med. v Progressive Ins. Co. (2007 NY Slip Op 52209(U))

Alpha Health Care Plus Med. v Progressive Ins. Co. (2007 NY Slip Op 52209(U)) [*1]
Alpha Health Care Plus Med. v Progressive Ins. Co.
2007 NY Slip Op 52209(U) [17 Misc 3d 1130(A)]
Decided on November 23, 2007
Civil Court Of The City Of New York, Kings County
Nadelson, J.
Published by New York State Law Reporting Bureau pursuant to Judiciary Law § 431.
As corrected in part through December 3, 2007; it will not be published in the printed Official Reports.
Decided on November 23, 2007

Civil Court of the City of New York, Kings County

Alpha Health Care Plus Medical aao Tsitsishvili


Progressive Insurance Company


For Plaintiff: Gary Tsirelman, P.C.

For Defendant: McDonnell & Adels, P.C.

Eileen N. Nadelson, J.

On September 12, 2005, this court granted Plaintiff’s Motion for Summary Judgment on default, awarding Plaintiff $635.00 for first party No-Fault insurance benefits. The judgment was filed and entered on September 16, 2005.

On or about February 13, 2006, Defendant filed a request for a Declaratory Judgment in the Supreme Court to have that court declare that Plaintiff’s assignors had staged the accident subject to the No-Fault claims. Plaintiff was neither named in the Declaratory Judgment nor notified of its pendency.

On March 15, 2006, the Supreme Court granted Defendant’s Declaratory Judgment on the default of the named assignors and issued a stay of all proceedings. The court’s order stated that Defendant had no duty to pay claims for No-Fault benefits to the named assignors and that the accident subject to these claims was to be deemed “intentionally staged fraudulent and therefore uncovered event.”[sic]

On March 30, 2006, Plaintiff, who was never served with a copy of the Supreme Court order, served Defendant with the Notice of Entry of the Civil Court’s order of September 12, [*2]2005. On May 3, 2006, Plaintiff proceeded to enter judgment on the default, and on May 12, 2006, Defendant’s new counsel advised Plaintiff of the Supreme Court stay. On July 27, 2006, the Civil Court clerk entered the Default Judgment against Defendant.

On September 14, 2006, Defendant filed this instant Order to Show Cause to enforce the Supreme Court stay and to vacate the Notice of Entry of the Civil Court Default Judgment. In its papers, Defendant asserts that Plaintiff is collaterally estopped from enforcing the Default Judgment based on the Supreme Court’s Declaratory judgment.

In support of its assertion, Defendant cites Mulverhill v. State, 257 AD2d 735, 682 NYS2d 478 (3d Dept. 1999), which states, in pertinent part:

The doctrine of collateral estoppel…precludes a party from re-litigating in a

subsequent action or proceeding an issue clearly raised in a prior action or

proceeding and decided against that party or those in privity…. Only two

elements need be established; first, that the identical issue was necessarily

decided in the prior action and is decisive in the present one, and, second,

that the party to be precluded had a full and fair opportunity to contest the

prior determination.

Plaintiff opposes Defendant’s arguments. The Declaratory Judgment was brought against Plaintiff’s assignor to have the alleged accident deemed a staged event not covered by the No-Fault law. Plaintiff maintains that it cannot be collaterally estopped to enforce the No-Fault award because Plaintiff was not a party to the Supreme Court action and therefore had no opportunity to defend against Defendant’s assertions.

In analyzing the definition of collateral estoppel as stated above, this court believes that the requisite elements to hold Plaintiff estopped in the instant proceeding may not exist. First, the No-Fault action preceded the Declaratory Judgment action, and therefore the issue is not being re-litigated in a subsequent proceeding. Second, Defendant was not named in or notified of the Declaratory Judgment action, and therefore had no opportunity to contest the determination. And third, even though Plaintiff stands in privity with the persons named in the Declaratory Judgment, that decision was rendered on default of those persons. The court has no information as to the reason for such default, which could, in fact, be lack of service. If such be the case, that would negate the assumption that they were afforded the opportunity to contest and simply chose to decline.

However, regardless of our analysis of the collateral estoppel argument, this court lacks the jurisdiction to review the decision of the Supreme Court. Any argument Defendant may posit with respect to the underlying appropriateness of the Supreme Court decision must be made before that tribunal. At this point this court is obligated to give full effect to the Declaratory Judgment insofar as it stays all proceedings arising out of the alleged accident with respect to the instant assignor. Since the Entry of Judgment was filed after the Declaratory Judgment was [*3]issued, this court must find the Entry of Judgment of the No-Fault Summary Judgment to be a nullity. This is true even though Plaintiff acted innocently and without knowledge of Declaratory Judgement.

Having determined that the Entry of Judgment is a nullity, the court is faced with the fact that the Summary Judgment in favor of Plaintiff still stands since it predates the Declaratory Judgment. As a consequence, should the stay eventually be lifted, the judgment could be entered at that time. Therefore, this court feels compelled in the interests of efficient administration of justice to determine whether Defendant has provided sufficient grounds to vacate its default of the original No-Fault Motion for Summary Judgment.

Section 5015 of the CPLR provides the grounds upon which a default may be vacated. Simply stated, in order for a defaulting party to have the judgment vacated, within one year of entry of judgment, it must provide the court with a reasonable excuse for its default and evidence of a meritorious defense. In the instant case Defendant has provided absolutely no reason why it never appeared for the argument on the Summary Judgment motion. However, the Supreme Court’s decision on the Declaratory Judgment, even though rendered on default, does provide some evidence of a meritorious defense.

In F & C General Contractors Corp. v. Atlantic Mutual Mortgage Corp., 202 AD2d 629, 612 NYS2d 871 (2d Dept. 1994), the Appellate Court stated that “it is well established that, independent of statutory provisions, the court rendering a judgment, in its inherent power and control over its own proceedings, may vacate that judgment where it appears that substantial justice will be served and injustice prevented thereby.” In this case the court did not adhere to the one year statutorily imposed time limit.

Further, in Lane v. Lane, 175 AD2d 103, 572 NYS2d 14 (2d Dept. 1991), the Appellate Court exercised its discretion in permitting a person not even a party to the underlying action to bring a motion to vacate a judgment. The person seeking the vacatur was directly impacted adversely by the judgement he sought to vacate. The court stated that the default judgment was vacated in the interests of justice because “substantial justice will be subserved and injustice prevented.”

With respect to the instant motion, this court feels obligated to exercise its discretion in favor of vacating its initial Default Judgment in the interests of the efficient administration of the judicial system. As a general principle, the court prefers issues to be decided after a full hearing on the merits rather than by default. This is especially true in the instance of No-Fault claims in which assertions of staged accidents have become commonplace. Despite the fact that Defendant did not appear for oral argument on the Summary Judgment motion, the court notes that Defendant did submit opposition papers in which it posited the argument that the accident that was subject of the claim was staged and therefore not a covered event. This court would prefer to err on the side of caution and justice to make sure that fraudulent claims are not given the imprimatur of judicial sanction simply because a party fails to appear for oral argument. [*4]

Therefore, after deliberating on all of the arguments presented by both sides, the court grants Defendant’s motion to the extent of vacating the Entry of Judgment based on the Supreme Court stay, and further vacates its initial Default Judgment because the Supreme Court order, along with the facts alleged in Defendant’s opposition papers to the original motion, raise a question of fact that precludes summary judgment. CPLR 3212, See generally Gilson v. Metropolitan Opera, 5 NY3d 574, 807 NYS2d 558 (2005). In reaching this conclusion, the court is not making a determination of the collateral estoppel effect of the Declaratory Judgment on Plaintiff; rather it is simply denying Plaintiff’s Motion for Summary Judgment because questions of fact exist.

This constitute the decision and order of the court.

Dated: November 23, 2007



All-Boro Med. Supplies, Inc. v Progressive Northeastern Ins. Co. (2007 NY Slip Op 27458)

Reported in New York Official Reports at All-Boro Med. Supplies, Inc. v Progressive Northeastern Ins. Co. (2007 NY Slip Op 27458)

All-Boro Med. Supplies, Inc. v Progressive Northeastern Ins. Co. (2007 NY Slip Op 27458)
All-Boro Med. Supplies, Inc. v Progressive Northeastern Ins. Co.
2007 NY Slip Op 27458 [17 Misc 3d 950]
November 6, 2007
Edwards, J.
Civil Court Of The City Of New York, Kings County
Published by New York State Law Reporting Bureau pursuant to Judiciary Law § 431.
As corrected through Wednesday, December 26, 2007


All-Boro Medical Supplies, Inc., as Assignee of Debra Brady, Plaintiff,
Progressive Northeastern Ins. Co., Defendant.

Civil Court of the City of New York, Kings County, November 6, 2007


Edward Shapiro, P.C., Wantagh (Kim Rasin of counsel), for plaintiff. De Martini & Yi, Williston Park (Dana M. Koos of counsel), for defendant.

{**17 Misc 3d at 950} OPINION OF THE COURT

Genine D. Edwards, J.

{**17 Misc 3d at 951}At the outset of this trial to recoup no-fault benefits, the parties stipulated that plaintiff’s prima facie case was established, the defendant’s denial of claim forms were mailed on the date indicated on each denial, the peer review report and the documents reviewed were in evidence, and that the defendant’s witness was an expert. The defendant proffered the testimony of its peer review physician, John P. Russo, D.C.; the plaintiff did not proffer any witnesses.

After the bench trial of this matter, in conjunction with a case with the index number 19685/06, regarding assignor Connie Brady, this court, via correspondence dated August 7, 2007, required the parties to submit posttrial memoranda with respect to plaintiff’s motion in limine regarding the time for scheduling an examination under oath. Plaintiff’s memorandum was due on September 11, 2007 and defendant’s memorandum was due on October 11, 2007. Plaintiff failed to provide a memorandum, therefore the defendant did not provide a memorandum, but instead requested that plaintiff’s motion in limine be denied for failure to comply with this court’s briefing schedule.

The plaintiff orally argues that the defendant’s request for an examination under oath did not toll defendant’s time to pay or deny plaintiff’s claims because the examination under oath was scheduled more than 30 days after receipt of the claim. Plaintiff relies on Insurance Department Regulations (11 NYCRR) § 65-3.5 (d) and S & M Supply v State Farm Mut. Auto. Ins. Co. (4 Misc 3d 130[A], 2004 NY Slip Op 50693[U] [App Term, 9th & 10th Jud Dists 2004]). Defendant counters that Regulations § 65-3.5 (d) only relates to medical examinations, while subdivision (e) instructs as to examinations under oath. The defendant argues that subdivision (e) does not direct a date certain or a specific time to schedule the examination under oath; the subdivision only discusses a reasonable time and place for such examination.

After due deliberation of the evidence and arguments asserted, this court finds that the plaintiff’s contentions are correct. Although case law directly on point could not be found, this court must be guided by the legislative intent to resolve no-fault matters expeditiously. (Presbyterian Hosp. in City of N.Y. v Maryland Cas. Co. (90 NY2d 274 [1997]; Stephen Fogel Psychological, P.C. v Progressive Cas. Ins. Co., 35 AD3d 720 [2d Dept 2006]; New York Hosp. Med. Ctr. of Queens v Motor Veh. Acc. Indem. Corp., 12 AD3d 429 [2d Dept 2004]; Fair Price Med. Supply [*2]Corp. v Travelers Indem. Co., 9 Misc 3d 76 [App Term,{**17 Misc 3d at 952} 2d & 11th Jud Dists 2005]; Metropolitan Radiological Imaging v State Farm Mut. Auto. Ins. Co., 7 Misc 3d 675 [Civ Ct, Queens County 2005].) Therefore, the defendant was bound to conduct the examinations under oath within the same time period imposed for the medical examinations, to wit, “within 30 calendar days from the date of receipt of the prescribed verification forms.” (11 NYCRR 65-3.5 [d]; Capio Med., P.C. v Progressive Cas. Ins. Co., 7 Misc 3d 129[A], 2005 NY Slip Op 50526[U] [App Term, 2d & 11th Jud Dists 2005]; S & M Supply, supra.)

However, the plaintiff failed to offer any evidence as to when it received the verification forms. Thus, this court cannot determine whether the examinations were scheduled within the requisite time period. Therefore, plaintiff’s motion is denied.

Since the parties stipulated that plaintiff’s prima facie case was established, the defendant now has the burden of producing the existence of a material issue of fact. The defendant fails at its burden. There is not one scintilla of evidence to prove that the defendant timely mailed the verification requests. (Mega Supply & Billing, Inc. v AIU Ins. Co., 15 Misc 3d 132[A], 2007 NY Slip Op 50687[U] [App Term, 2d & 11th Jud Dists 2007]; Wei Wei Acupuncture, P.C. v State Farm Mut. Auto. Ins. Co., 14 Misc 3d 144[A], 2007 NY Slip Op 50394[U] [App Term, 2d & 11th Jud Dists 2007]; Oleg Barshay, D.C., P.C. v State Farm Ins. Co., 14 Misc 3d 74 [App Term, 2d & 11th Jud Dists 2006]; Dilon Med. Supply Corp. v State Farm Mut. Auto. Ins. Co., 13 Misc 3d 141[A], 2006 NY Slip Op 52266[U] [App Term, 2d & 11th Jud Dists 2006]; Fair Price Med. Supply Corp. v General Assur. Co., 6 Misc 3d 137[A], 2005 NY Slip Op 50256[U] [App Term, 2d & 11th Jud Dists 2005].) Hence, defendant’s time to pay or deny the plaintiff’s claims was never tolled.

Assuming, arguendo, that the defendant met its initial burden of timely mailing, this court finds that the defendant’s expert’s testimony was unpersuasive. Dr. Russo testified that the equipment was not against accepted medical protocol, but he would not have recommended the equipment in these cases. This evidence fails to prove that the durable equipment prescribed to Debra and Connie Brady was not medically necessary.

Accordingly, judgment is in favor of the plaintiff in the amount of $822 for each case, as well as statutory interest and attorney’s fees.

State Farm Mut. Auto. Ins. Co. v Mamadou (2007 NY Slip Op 27385)

Reported in New York Official Reports at State Farm Mut. Auto. Ins. Co. v Mamadou (2007 NY Slip Op 27385)

State Farm Mut. Auto. Ins. Co. v Mamadou (2007 NY Slip Op 27385)
State Farm Mut. Auto. Ins. Co. v Mamadou
2007 NY Slip Op 27385 [17 Misc 3d 600]
September 24, 2007
Rivera, J.
Supreme Court, Kings County
Published by New York State Law Reporting Bureau pursuant to Judiciary Law § 431.
As corrected through Wednesday, November 21, 2007


State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company, Plaintiff,
Barry Mamadou et al., Defendants.

Supreme Court, Kings County, September 24, 2007


Mitchell N. Kaye P.C. (Craig DeMeo of counsel), for Wilda Norgaisse and others, defendants. Picciano & Scahill, P.C. (Mary Ann Candelario-Jones of counsel), for Marie Mirville, defendant. McDonnel & Adels, P.C. (Robert J. Schwerdt of counsel), for plaintiff.

{**17 Misc 3d at 601} OPINION OF THE COURT

Francois A. Rivera, J.

By order to show cause dated May 11, 2007, defendants Wilda Norgaisse, Alonzo Colbert, and Alex Cheure (hereinafter defendant movants)[FN*] jointly move this court pursuant to CPLR 5003-a for an order directing that plaintiff State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company pay defendant, Wilda Norgaisse, the amount of $25,000 plus interest from September 29, 2005 in accordance with their stipulation of settlement. Plaintiff opposes the order to show cause.

On June 29, 2006, plaintiff commenced the instant action by filing a summons and verified complaint with the Kings County Clerk’s office (KCC). The complaint consists of 68 allegations of fact in support of four causes of action for declaratory judgment. Plaintiff alleges the defendants attempted to defraud plaintiff by staging an accident. As a result of the fraud, plaintiff alleges it is entitled to a declaration that its policy with defendant Marie Mirville is null and void and that it has no duty to provide coverage under the policy for any claims for personal injury, no-fault benefits, or uninsured motorist benefits made by or in behalf of any person or entity.

Defendants Wilda Norgaisse, Alonzo Colbert, and Alex Cheure joined issue by their verified answer, filed on May 11, 2007 with the KCC. The answer contained four affirmative defenses and no counterclaims.

Undisputed Facts

The following facts are undisputed. On or about September 26, 2004, State Farm issued a policy, No. 109 96060-c26-32, for a 1996 Hyundai Sonata to Marie Mirville, 28 Dewitt Place, [*2]No. 1, New Rochelle, New York, 10801; said policy affording minimum liability limits of $25,000/$50,000.

Said policy was purchased by State Farm’s insured, Marie Mirville, from a broker named John W. Goon, 4512 Church Avenue, Brooklyn, New York, 11203. On November 9, 2004, approximately six weeks after the issuance of said policy, State Farm’s insured, Marie Mirville, while operating the insured{**17 Misc 3d at 602} Hyundai, was involved in an automobile collision at Rogers Avenue and Linden Boulevard within the confines of the 67th Precinct in Kings County.

In relation to this collision, a claim was made against the aforesaid policy by Marie Mirville. Said claim lists injuries to the driver of the adverse vehicle, Barry Mamadou, and the claimants, Wilda Norgaisse, and Alonzo Colbert.

On or about September 29, 2005, a release was executed by the claimant Wilda Norgaisse and forwarded to State Farm the following day. Predicated upon this release and prior to the commencement of any action, State Farm issued a check, dated October 18, 2005, in the name of their insured, Marie Mirville, in connection with the underlying loss of November 9, 2004, payable to Wilda Norgaisse, in the amount of $25,000.

On or about October 20, 2005, State Farm stopped payment on the aforesaid check. State Farm alleges that after conducting an investigation, it believes the underlying accident was staged and that it is therefore entitled to disclaim coverage.

Defendants bring this order to show cause requesting that the court order State Farm to honor its settlement agreement and pay Wilda Norgaisse $25,000 plus interest retroactive to September 29, 2005, the date she executed the release.

Motion Papers

Defendant movants’ order to show cause consists of an affirmation of their counsel, Patrick J. McGrath, and seven annexed exhibits. Exhibit A is a New York City Police Department accident report (MV-104AN) of the November 9, 2004 collision. Exhibit B is a release signed by defendant Wilda Norgaisse, releasing and discharging codefendant Marie Mirville from all actions for personal injury related to the November 9, 2004 collision. Exhibit C is a check dated October 18, 2005 from State Farm to Wilda Norgaisse in the amount of $25,000. Exhibits D and E are the summons and complaint and verified answer in an earlier action brought by the movants against Marie Mirville in Kings County Supreme Court under index number 34455/05. Exhibits F and G are the summons, complaint and verified answer of the instant underlying action.

Plaintiff’s affirmation in opposition consists of an affirmation of its counsel, Robert Schwerdt, and 13 annexed exhibits. Exhibit A is Marie Mirville’s policy declarations. Exhibit B is the same MV-104AN annexed in the movants’ paper as exhibit A. Exhibit C is State Farm’s auto claim service record of the{**17 Misc 3d at 603} November 9, 2004 collision. Exhibit D is a copy of the same check annexed in the movants’ papers as exhibit C. Exhibits E and F are affidavits signed on March 24, 2006 from State Farm investigators Grace Peters and Maria Castaneda. Exhibit G is a letter, dated February 14, 2006, from Thomas Mansfield, an investigator for New York Automobile Insurance Plan (NYAIP) to Robert Murray, a coordinator for NYAIP. Exhibit H is an Internet search result using the name Marie Mirville. Exhibit I is an Internet search result using the name Wilda Norgaisse. Exhibits J and K are MV-104ANs of automobile collisions that occurred on August 31, and October 16, 2004. Exhibit L is a letter, dated November 1, 2005, from Peter Crescenti, president of International Claims Service and Investigations, Inc. to Grace [*3]Peters, a State Farm investigator followed by a copy of the MV-104AN of the November 9, 2004 collision. Exhibit M is an MV-104AN of an automobile collision that occurred on December 14, 2004.

Defendant movants submitted an affirmation of their counsel in reply to plaintiff’s opposition papers.

Law and Application

There are two specific statutes dealing with enforcement of agreements that should be analyzed in connection with the instant motion, namely, CPLR 2104 and 5003-a. In simple terms, defendant movants seek specific performance of a settlement agreement via the procedural vehicle of an order to show cause and the substantive law of CPLR 5003-a. Defendant movants’ counsel concedes the inapplicability of CPLR 2104 to their motion but argues that CPLR 5003-a does apply and may be extended to authorize the relief they seek.

CPLR 2104 provides as follows:

“An agreement between parties or their attorneys relating to any matter in an action, other than one made between counsel in open court, is not binding upon a party unless it is in a writing subscribed by him or his attorney or reduced to the form of an order and entered. With respect to stipulations of settlement and notwithstanding the form of the stipulation of settlement, the terms of such stipulation shall be filed by the defendant with the county clerk.”

The Court of Appeals has made a strong statement that the formalities of CPLR 2104 must be met as a prerequisite to{**17 Misc 3d at 604} judicial enforcement of out-of-court stipulations of settlement (Bonnette v Long Is. Coll. Hosp., 3 NY3d 281 [2004]; see generally, Vincent C. Alexander, Practice Commentaries, McKinney’s Cons Laws of NY, Book 7B, CPLR C2104:2, at 761-764). Unless a stipulation of settlement complies with CPLR 2104, it is not enforceable as a stipulation. As both plaintiff and defendant movants have stated in their affidavits, there was no pending action at the time of the agreement to settle.

“CPLR 2104 refers to ‘parties’ and ‘matter[s] in an action’ . . . Before the actual service of a summons there is no action, and the disputants have not yet become parties to one. The CPLR itself is intended to ‘govern the procedure in civil judicial proceedings’ . . . Neither the CPLR in general nor section 2104 in particular have application to the conduct of prospective litigants before a proceeding commences” (Cohen v Coleman, 110 Misc 2d 419, 422 [Sup Ct, Queens County 1981]).

As previously mentioned, when State Farm issued a check to Wilda Norgaisse, they were not parties to any action. Defendant movants argue that notwithstanding the strict statutory language which limits applicability of CPLR 5003-a to actions already commenced, the force and intent of the statute is to promote prompt payment of settlement agreements. They contend that this impetus should be sufficient to authorize judicial enforcement of agreements made prior to commencement of an action.

CPLR 5003-a (a) states in relevant part:

“When an action to recover damages has been settled, any settling defendant . . . shall pay all sums due to any settling plaintiff within twenty-one days of tender, by the settling plaintiff to the settling defendant, of a duly executed release and a stipulation discontinuing action executed on behalf of the settling plaintiff.”

Before 1992, the law imposed no general time limit within which the sum agreed to in the settlement of an action had to be paid. Effective June 30 of 1992, CPLR 5003-a enacted a time limit (L 1992, ch 269). The consequence of not paying the stated amount of the settlement on time is that costs and disbursements will now be added to it, along with interest. If the settlement is substantial, the interest can quickly become so, too. Furthermore, the judgment may be entered with no further notice to the defendant. The purpose of CPLR 5003-a is to encourage{**17 Misc 3d at 605} prompt payment of settlements by having defendants face not only the prospect of additional costs by their tardiness but also the entry of judgment against them without an opportunity to be heard (see generally David D. Siegel, Practice Commentaries, McKinney’s Cons Laws of NY, Book 7B, CPLR 5003-a, at 121-123).

The court, however, may not stray from the unequivocal statutory constraints expressed in CPLR 5003-a. The CPLR itself, and CPLR 5003-a in particular, applies to actions. It may not be invoked to seek judicial enforcement of an agreement made before an action commences. Therefore CPLR 5003-a and 2104 are inapposite to the instant motion for the exact same reason.

It is noted that the defendant movants did not plead a counterclaim alleging breach of the agreement or demanding specific performance of the agreement. In the absence of a cause of action for breach of contract seeking specific performance, defendant movants may lose the opportunity to ever obtain the remedy they seek. The court does not and will not deem the instant order to show cause to be a summary judgment motion pursuant to CPLR 3212. Defendant movants are not precluded from seeking leave of the court to amend their answer to include such a claim and then moving for summary judgment thereafter. However, judicial enforcement of the stipulation by the instant order to show cause is denied.


Footnote *: Defendant movants’ counsel in the first paragraph of his affirmation states that he is the attorney for Wilda Norgaisse, Alonzo Colbert, and Alex Cheure. However, in the second paragraph he advises that these three defendants as well as Marie Mirville affirm through counsel their support of the motion. The court deems the inference that Marie Mirville is one of the movants to be an error and will disregard it pursuant to CPLR 2001.

Vista Surgical Supplies, Inc. v State Farm Mut. Auto. Ins. Co. (2007 NY Slip Op 51127(U))

Reported in New York Official Reports at Vista Surgical Supplies, Inc. v State Farm Mut. Auto. Ins. Co. (2007 NY Slip Op 51127(U))

Vista Surgical Supplies, Inc. v State Farm Mut. Auto. Ins. Co. (2007 NY Slip Op 51127(U)) [*1]
Vista Surgical Supplies, Inc. v State Farm Mut. Auto. Ins. Co.
2007 NY Slip Op 51127(U) [15 Misc 3d 1143(A)]
Decided on May 30, 2007
Civil Court Of The City Of New York, Kings County
Gold, J.
Published by New York State Law Reporting Bureau pursuant to Judiciary Law § 431.
This opinion is uncorrected and will not be published in the printed Official Reports.
Decided on May 30, 2007

Civil Court of the City of New York, Kings County

Vista Surgical Supplies, Inc. a/a/o Anastasia Fedotova, Plaintiff,


State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company, Defendant.


Lila P. Gold, J.

This Order to Show Cause was brought by the defendant in Special 1 in order to clarify the Court’s Decision and Order dated May 16, 2006 granting Plaintiff’s motion for summary judgment.

The Decision and Order dated May 16, 2006 granted judgment for Plaintiff in the amount of $1714.00 plus statutory interest, attorneys’ fees and costs/fees of $65.00.

Defendant made payment to Plaintiff upon receipt of the Order in the amount of $2,460.16 and $557.03. Plaintiff claims that approximately $450.00 of the judgement amount has not been paid. The discrepancy in the amount due to Plaintiff is the based upon the date from which interest, and attorneys’ fees thereon, begin to accrue. It is Defendant’s position that interest should be calculated from the filing of the summons. Plaintiff’s contends that interest should be calculated from thirty (30) days after Defendant received Plaintiff’s bills for no-fault benefits.

This court is asked to determine at what point interest begins to accrue on an untimely denial and/or improper denial under the no-fault regulations. It is plaintiff’s contention that interest on untimely and/or improper denials received by an assignee/medical provider should begin to accrue 30 days after an insurer receives a proper proof of claim. Defendant argues that interest should not accrue until the no-fault claimant requests arbitration or institutes a lawsuit. Plaintiff and Defendant both presented a civil court decision, East Acupuncture, P.C. v. Allstate Ins. Co., 2005 NY Slip Op 25242, 2 (NY Misc. 2005), which was directly on point regarding this issue. Plaintiff based their position on the holding in East Acupuncture, P.C. (Id.) that interest is to accrue from the thirtieth day after submission of a bill if the Defendant issues a late or improper denial. Defendant’s papers respectfully submitted that the court in East Acupuncture, P.C. erred in its decision.

Subsequent to Defendant’s filing of the Order to Show Cause, the Appellate Term of the Supreme Court for the 2nd and 11th Districts reversed the order of the J. Matos entered June 28, 2005. East Acupuncture, P.C. v. Allstate Ins. Co., 2007 NY Slip Op 27109 (NY Misc. 2007). In this decision, the Appellate Term concluded that “the regulations, read as a whole in accordance with the rules of construction, the deference to be accorded the Superintendent’s assertion of intent, and the undesirable consequences of exempting assignees from the limitation imposed by 11 NYCRR 65-3.9 (c), lead to the conclusion that the reference to “applicant” in 11 NYCRR 65-[*2]3.9 (c) includes an eligible injured person’s assignee.” East Acupuncture, P.C. (Id.) Therefore, concluding that interest does not begin to accrue on an untimely denial and/or improper denial under the no-fault regulations until the no-fault claimant requests arbitration or institutes a lawsuit.

Based upon the foregoing, interest did not begin to accrue on this claim until the filing of the summons.

Accordingly, Defendant’s Order to Show Cause is hereby granted. Marshal’s Notice of Levy and Sale is vacated, Defendant has satisfied the underlying order in this matter dated May 16, 2006.

This opinion constitutes the decision of the Court. A copy of this decision will be mailed to the parties.

Dated:May 30, 2007


Lila P. Gold, J.C.C.

Friendly Physician, P.C. v Country-Wide Ins. Co. (2007 NY Slip Op 50747(U))

Reported in New York Official Reports at Friendly Physician, P.C. v Country-Wide Ins. Co. (2007 NY Slip Op 50747(U))

Friendly Physician, P.C. v Country-Wide Ins. Co. (2007 NY Slip Op 50747(U)) [*1]
Friendly Physician, P.C. v Country-Wide Ins. Co.
2007 NY Slip Op 50747(U) [15 Misc 3d 1117(A)]
Decided on April 6, 2007
Civil Court Of The City Of New York, Kings County
Rubin, J.
Published by New York State Law Reporting Bureau pursuant to Judiciary Law § 431.
This opinion is uncorrected and will not be published in the printed Official Reports.
Decided on April 6, 2007

Civil Court of the City of New York, Kings County

Friendly Physician, P.C., a/a/o Richard Proctor, Plaintiff,


Country-Wide Insurance Company, Defendant.


Attorney for Plaintiff:

Ilona Finkelshteytn, Esq.

2503 65th Street

Brooklyn, New York 111204

Attorney for Defendant:

Jaffe & Nohavicka

40 Wall Street – 12th Floor

New York, NY 10005

Alice Fisher Rubin, J.

Plaintiff commenced this action against the defendant to recover first party no-fault benefits pursuant to CPLR 5106(a) of the Insurance Law and Regulation of the New York State Insurance Department (11 NYCRR Sect. 65-1.1 et. seq.), for medical services rendered.

Plaintiff moves for summary judgment as a matter of law on the grounds that the claimants assigned their “no fault” benefits to plaintiff pursuant to the terms of the insurance policies sold by defendant, and the timely submission of invoices and/or bills to defendant in accordance with the New York State Insurance Law, were not denied or paid within 30 days, pursuant to the New York State Insurance Law. Defendant cross-moves for summary judgment and opposes plaintiff’s motion on the grounds that the denial was timely and based upon the

revocation of the assignment by the assignor, Richard Proctor.

The rule governing summary judgment requires the proponent of a summary judgment motion to make a prima facie showing of entitlement to summary judgment as a matter of law, offering sufficient evidence to eliminate any material issues of fact from the case” (Winegrad v. New York University Medical Center, 64 NY2d 851 [1985]; Tortello v. Carlin, 260 AD2d 201 [1st Dept., 1999]). The burden of proof, as well as persuasion rests with the proponent of the summary judgment motion. Once the burden is satisfied, the opponent of the motion must produce sufficient evidence, in admissible form, establishing the existence of a triable issue of fact. [*2]

Pursuant to both the Insurance Law and the regulations promulgated by the Superintendent of Insurance, an insurer is required to either pay or deny a claim for no-fault automobile insurance benefits within 30 days from the date an applicant supplies proof of claim. (See, Insurance Law 5106[a]; 11 NYCRR 65.15[h]). Failure to pay benefits within the 30-day requirement renders the benefits “overdue,” and all overdue payments bear interest at a rate of 2% per month. In addition, the claimant is entitled to recover attorney’s fees where a “valid claim or portion” was denied or overdue. See, Presbyterian Hospital in the City of New York v. Maryland Casualty Company, 90 NY2d 274, 660 N.Y.S.2d 536 (1997).

A plaintiff ordinarily establishes the submission of the claim forms by demonstrating that proof of proper mailing, which gives rise to the presumption that the claim forms were received by the addressee. The presumption may be created either by proof of actual mailing or by proof of a standard office practice or procedure designed to ensure that items are properly addressed and mailed. See, Residential Holding Corp., v. Scottsdale Ins. Co., 286 AD2d 679 [2001].

The plaintiff has annexed the affidavit of Kristina Meledina, billing manager, of the assignee, which makes reference to the plaintiff’s standard office mailing practices and/or procedures. The affidavit is sufficient to establish plaintiff’s mailing of its claim forms.

In addition, the court finds that the plaintiff has established its prima facie case, inasmuch as the defendant’s denial of claim forms which are annexed to defendant’s opposition papers as Exhibit “A,” as well as plaintiff’s moving papers, establish the dates of defendant’s receipt of the claim forms. See, PDG Psychological, P.C., (Jones) v. Utica Mut. Ins. Co., 11 Misc 3d 128[A], 2006 NY Slip Op. 50246[U][AT 2nd & 11th Jud. Dists.].

Defendant opposes plaintiff’s motion and cross-moves for summary judgment on the grounds that the denial was timely, as well as the fact that the assignment was revoked by the assignor, Richard Proctor. In support of its cross-motion, the defendant annexes a copy of the letter it received from Richard Proctor, which indicates that he was in fact involved in a car accident on 6/4/05, that he was requesting to drop all claims and that he would be willing to be held responsible for all medical bills.

After careful consideration of the moving papers, supporting documents and opposition thereto, the court finds that plaintiff is entitled to summary judgment as a matter of law.

In order for a provider to receive direct payment from an insurer under the no-fault regulation, the claims must have been assigned to the provider pursuant to an assignment containing language required by the regulation (See, 11 NYCRR 65-3.11[b][2].).

Plaintiff has annexed a copy of assignment of benefits form, which was signed by the assignor, Richard Proctor on June 4, 2005. [See, Exhibit “1” to plaintiff’s moving papers]. The defendant does not argue the validity of the assignment of benefits form, and there is no indication that same was an issue which verification was requested. The applicable rules and regulations are as follows: [*3]

§65.3-11 – Direct Payments

(a) An insurer shall pay benefits for any element of loss, other than death benefits, directly to the applicant or, when appropriate, to the applicants parent or legal guardian or to any person legally responsible for necessities, or, upon assignment by the applicant or any of the aforementioned persons, shall pay benefits directly to providers of health care services as covered under section five thousand one hundred two (a)(1) of this article….Emphasis added.

(2)(d) If an assignment has been furnished an insurer, the assignor or legal representative of the assignor shall not unilaterally revoke the assignment after the services for which the assignment was originally executed were rendered. If the assignment is revoked for services not yet rendered, the assignor or leal representative shall provide written notification to the insurer that the assignee has been notified of the revocation.

The services rendered by plaintiff-provider were rendered on 6/17/05 and 6/27/05, all of which total $304.79. The assignor’s revocation letter which is addressed to defendant is dated 6/25/05. Section 65.3-11 states that the assignor may not unilaterally revoke the assignment after services for which the assignment was originally executed were rendered. Therefore, the assignor could not revoke the assignment as to those services rendered on or before 6/25/07. The regulation also states that if the assignment is revoked for services not yet rendered, the assignor or legal representative shall provide written notification to the insurer that the assignee has been notified of the revocation.

The defendant has not submitted to this court, and the record is void as to a letter from the assignor that the assignee was notified of the revocation. The letter which is annexed to defendant’s cross-motion is a letter which merely states that the assignor is “requesting to drop all claims.” The defendant’s proof is insufficient to establish its prima facie entitlement to summary judgment.

Accordingly, summary judgment is hereby awarded in favor of plaintiff and against defendant in the amount of $304.79, with interest at 2% per month from 7/22/05, costs and attorney’s fees. Defendant’s cross-motion is hereby denied.

This constitutes the order of this Court.

Court Attorney to notify.

Dated: Brooklyn, New York

March ______, 2007


Alice Fisher Rubin, J.C.C. [*4]

Primary Psychiatric Health, P.C. v State Farm Mut. Auto Ins. Co. (2007 NY Slip Op 50583(U))

Reported in New York Official Reports at Primary Psychiatric Health, P.C. v State Farm Mut. Auto Ins. Co. (2007 NY Slip Op 50583(U))

Primary Psychiatric Health, P.C. v State Farm Mut. Auto Ins. Co. (2007 NY Slip Op 50583(U)) [*1]
Primary Psychiatric Health, P.C. v State Farm Mut. Auto Ins. Co.
2007 NY Slip Op 50583(U) [15 Misc 3d 1111(A)]
Decided on March 27, 2007
Civil Court Of The City Of New York, Kings County
Sweeney, J.
Published by New York State Law Reporting Bureau pursuant to Judiciary Law § 431.
This opinion is uncorrected and will not be published in the printed Official Reports.
Decided on March 27, 2007

Civil Court of the City of New York, Kings County

Primary Psychiatric Health, P.C., a/a/o CHATISE THOMAS, SOPHIA POOLE, EVERALD POOLE, TERRY JOHNSON, Plaintiff,


State Farm Mutual Auto Ins. Co., Defendant.


Peter P. Sweeney, J.

Plaintiff Primary Psychiatric Health, P.C. commenced this action to recover assigned first-party no-fault benefits for psychological services that it provided to multiple assignors. The parties appeared before the undersigned for trial on November 9, 2006. At that time, the only open claims were for psychological services provided to assignors Everald Poole and Terry Johnson.

Before the trial began, the parties stipulated to the elements of plaintiff’s prima facie case. Defendant’s sole defense to the claims was that there was “no coverage at all” under its policy because neither of plaintiff’s assignors suffered a psychological injury as a result of the underlying motor-vehicle accident. Citing Central Gen. Hosp. v. Chubb Group of Ins. Cos., 90 NY2d 195 [1997], counsel for the defendant maintained that this defense is non-waivable and not subject to the 30 day preclusion rule.

Plaintiff rested without calling any witnesses. Defendant called two witnesses, Dr. Michael Rosenfeld and Dr. Samuel M. Rock.

Dr. Rosenfeld testified that he performed an independent psychological examination of Everland Poole on February 25, 2003 at defendant’s request. As part of his examination, he interviewed Mr. Poole to determine the nature and onset of his psychological complaints. Dr. Rosenfeld maintained that such an interview is standard practice and an essential component of a psychological examination. He further testified that he relied upon the information Mr. Poole gave him during the interview in forming his professional opinion and that psychologists routinely rely upon such information in forming professional opinions.

Plaintiff’s counsel objected and maintained that anything said by Mr. Poole during the interview was hearsay. He further maintained that since no evidence was presented demonstrating that the information provided by Mr. Poole was reliable, Dr. Rosenfeld could not rely upon such information as a basis for his opinion.

The court reserved decision and permitted Dr. Rosenfeld to testify over the objection. The parties were directed to brief the issue and the court agreed that it would consider striking Dr. Rosenfeld’s opinion testimony if plaintiff prevailed on the objection.

Dr. Rosenfeld testified that when he asked Mr. Poole to describe his psychological [*2]complaints, Mr. Poole gave him no indication that he had suffered a psychological injury. He made no complaints of suffering from any type of psychological symptomology.

Dr. Rosenfeld testified he proceed to conduct a full psychological examination of Mr. Poole and that the examination was in all respects “unremarkable.” Based upon his examination, he opined that Mr. Poole did not sustain a psychological injury as a result of the accident.

Dr. Rock was the next to testify. Dr. Rock performed an independent psychological examination of Terry Johnson at defendant’s request on April 2, 2003. He also conducted an interview of his subject as part of his examination. Plaintiff’s counsel again objected and maintained that Dr. Rock should not be allowed to base his opinion on the information he obtained from Mr. Johnson during the interview because such information was hearsay and no evidence was presented demonstrating that the information was reliable. The court again reserved decision and allowed Dr. Rock to testify over objection.

Dr. Rock testified that Mr. Johnson told him, in sum and substance, that he had no psychological complaints whatsoever following the accident. He further testified that all other aspects of his examination were within normal limits. He opined that Mr. Johnson did not suffer a psychological injury as a result of the accident.

Upon reviewing and evaluating the evidence and the memorandums of law submitted by the parties, and having had the opportunity to assess the credibility of the witnesses, the Court makes the following findings of fact and conclusions of law.


The covering language contained in the Mandatory Personal Injury Protection Endorsement (PIP Endorsement), obligated the defendant to “pay first-party benefits to reimburse for basic economic loss sustained by an eligible injured person on account of personal injuries caused by an accident arising out of the use or operation of a motor vehicle or a motorcycle during the policy period and within the United States of America, its territories or possessions, or Canada” (11 NYCRR 65-1.1 [emphasis added] ). While an insurer is generally precluded from raising any defense to a claim for first-party no-fault benefits where the claim was not denied within 30 days of its receipt, as here, (Presbyterian Hospital in the City of New York v. Maryland Casualty Co., 90 NY2d 274 [1997], failure to deny a claim within 30 days does not preclude an insurer from defending a claim “on a strict lack of coverage ground” (Central General Hosp. v. Chubb Group of Ins. Companies, 90 NY2d 195, 198 [1997] ). Stated differently, “the preclusion remedy does not apply to a defense of no coverage at all” (90 NY2d at 202).

Since the coverage provided by the PIP Endorsement is for “personal injuries caused by an accident arising out of the use or operation of a motor vehicle or motorcycle“, if defendant is correct in its assertion that Mr. Pool and Mr. Johnson did not sustain a psychological injury as a result of the accident, the court agrees that there would be “no coverage at all” for the claims. Defendant did not have to establish that it timely denied the claims to assert this defense.

In the instant case, after plaintiff’s prima facie case was established, defendant’s experts, Dr. Rosenfeld and Dr. Rock, presented unrebutted testimony that neither of Mr. Poole or Mr. Johnson sustained a psychological injury as a result of the underlying motor vehicle accident. The court fully credits the opinions of both psychologists and finds that there is no coverage for the claims.

The court rejects plaintiff’s contention that Dr. Rosenfeld and Dr. Rock should have been [*3]precluded from basing their professional opinions, in part, on the information obtained from plaintiff’s assignors during the independent psychological examinations. While it is true that an expert witness must generally rely on facts “in the record or personally known to the witness”(Cassano v. Hagstrom, 5 NY2d 643, 646 [1959], rearg. denied 6 NY2d 882 [1959] ), “[u]nder the professional reliability exception, material not in evidence may be used to formulate an expert’s opinion provided that the material not in evidence is of the kind accepted in the profession as a basis in forming an opinion, and the material not in evidence is accompanied by evidence establishing its reliability” (Scanga v. Family Practice Associates of Rockland, P.C., 27 AD3d 547, 548 [2nd Dep’t 2006]; citing, Hambsch v. New York City Tr. Auth., 63 NY2d 723, 726 [1984]; People v. Sugden, 35 NY2d 453, 460-461 [1974] ; Wagman v. Bradshaw, 292 AD2d 84, 85 [2nd Dep’t 2002] ). Once the predicates of the exception have been met,” hearsay testimony given by [an] expert . . . for the limited purpose of informing the [fact finder] of the basis of the expert’s opinion and not for the truth of the matters related’ is admissible” (People v Wright, 266 AD2d 246, 247 [1999], lv denied 94 NY2d 831 [1999], quoting People v Campbell, 197 AD2d 930, 932-933 [1993], lv denied 83 NY2d 850 [1994]).

Defendant demonstrated that the information provided by plaintiff’s assignors during their psychological examinations is of the kind of out-of-court material accepted in the field of psychology as a basis in forming a professional opinion. Indeed, plaintiff concedes this point. Plaintiff correctly asserts, however, that no evidence was presented demonstrating that the information provided by plaintiff’s was reliable.

In Home Care Ortho. Med. Supply, Inc. v American Manufactures Mut. Ins. Co., 2007 NY Slip Op 50302(U) [App. Term, First Dep’t 2006], the Appellate Term held that the lower court erred in precluding defendant’s expert “from testifying because his opinion [was] based, at least in part, on his review of the assignors’ medical records.” The court reasoned that “[p]laintiff may not be heard to challenge the reliability of the assignors’ medical records and reports, which, in response to defendant’s verification requests, were affirmatively relied upon by plaintiff as proof of claim” (id.); see also, Cross Continental Medical, P.C. v. Allstate Ins. Co., 822 NYS2d 356, 357 {13 Misc 3d 10} [App. Term, First Dep’t 2006] ).

In this court’s view, the holding in Home Care Ortho. Med. Supply, Inc. is consistent with the legislative policy reflected in the numerous provisions of the No-Fault Law which provide for the prompt verification and disposition of claims (Motor Vehicle Acc. Indemnification Corp. v. Aetna Cas. & Sur. Co., 89 NY2d 214, 222 [1996]; Presbyterian Hosp. in City of New York v. Maryland Cas. Co., 90 NY2d 274, 281[1997]; Dermatossian v. New York City Tr. Auth., 67 NY2d 219, 224-225 [1986]; Stephen Fogel Psychological, P.C. v. Progressive Cas. Ins. Co., 827 NYS2d 217, 220 {35 AD3d 720} [2nd Dep’t 2006] ).

In this case, the interviews conducted by defendant’s examining psychologists were essential components of the psychological examinations defendant had requested as additional verification of the claims. There is no basis to treat the information that was obtained from these interviews differently from information that defendant had obtained from the medical reports and records in Home Care Ortho. Med. Supply, Inc. In both cases, the information was obtained by the defendant in response to a verification request. The court therefore holds that the plaintiff in this case cannot challenge the reliability of the information obtained by defendant’s examining [*4]psychologists during the interviews.

In Home Care Ortho. Med. Supply, Inc., it was the plaintiff that provided the verification whereas in this case, it plaintiff’s assignors provided the verification. This distinction, in the court’s view, is irrelevant. Certainly, if plaintiff’s assignors were prosecuting this action, under Home Care Ortho. Med. Supply, Inc., they could not challenge the reliability of any verification they provided to the defendant in response to a verification request. Since an assignee “stands in the shoes” of an assignor and acquires no greater rights than its assignor (Long Island Radiology v. Allstate Ins. Co., 36 AD3d 763 [2nd Dep’t 2007]; Arena Const. Co. v. Sackaris & Sons, 282 AD2d 489 [2nd Dep’t 2007] ), logic dictates that an assignee should be estopped from challenging the reliability of verification provided by its assignor. This is especially true given the fact that the No-Fault regulations entitle insurers to obtain verification directly from eligible injured persons (11 NYCRR 65-3.5( c), 11 NYCRR 65-3.5(d); 11 NYCRR 65-1.1).

For all of the above reasons, it is hereby

ORDERED that judgment be entered in favor of the defendant dismissing the claims.

This constitutes the decision and order of the court.

Dated:March 27, 2007________________________________


Civil Court Judge

Downtown Acupuncture, P.C. v State Farm Ins. Co. (2007 NY Slip Op 27095)

Reported in New York Official Reports at Downtown Acupuncture, P.C. v State Farm Ins. Co. (2007 NY Slip Op 27095)

Downtown Acupuncture, P.C. v State Farm Ins. Co. (2007 NY Slip Op 27095)
Downtown Acupuncture, P.C. v State Farm Ins. Co.
2007 NY Slip Op 27095 [15 Misc 3d 597]
March 7, 2007
Rubin, J.
Civil Court Of The City Of New York, Kings County
Published by New York State Law Reporting Bureau pursuant to Judiciary Law § 431.
As corrected through Monday, June 25, 2007


Downtown Acupuncture, P.C., as Assignee of Cindy Hall, Plaintiff,
State Farm Insurance Company, Defendant.

Civil Court of the City of New York, Kings County, March 7, 2007


McDonnell & Adels, P.C., Garden City, for defendant. Gary Tsirelman, P.C., Brooklyn, for plaintiff.


Alice Fisher Rubin, J.

Plaintiff commenced this action against the defendant to recover first-party no-fault benefits pursuant to section 5106 (a) of the Insurance Law and Regulations of the New York State Insurance Department (11 NYCRR 65-1.1 et seq.), for medical services rendered.

Defendant moves for an order granting summary judgment in favor of defendant based on plaintiff’s attempt to relitigate a claim which was previously dismissed by the court, and imposition of sanctions against plaintiff’s counsel for having engaged in frivolous conduct.

Plaintiff opposes the motion on the grounds that the prior action was dismissed due to plaintiff’s failure to comply with discovery demands.

The plaintiff commenced this action against the defendant to recover first-party no-fault benefits pursuant to section 5106 (a) of the Insurance Law and the regulations, in the amount of $800 for acupuncture treatment allegedly rendered to the assignor, Cindy Hall, as a result of an automobile accident which occurred on July 27, 2002. Prior to this action, the plaintiff commenced an action against defendant State Farm on behalf of the same assignor, Cindy Hall, for the same services as indicated in this action.

In the prior action, after service of the summons and complaint, issue was joined and discovery demands were made on or about January 30, 2003. On May 10, 2004, the plaintiff served a notice of trial. The defendant moved to strike the notice of trial on the grounds that discovery had not been completed. Thereafter on June 28, 2004, the defendant served a supplemental demand for discovery. On June 29, 2004, the parties appeared before the Honorable Ellen Spodek, and the attorneys entered into a stipulation which marked the case off the trial calendar, and required plaintiff to provide all discovery on or before July 29, 2004. Due to plaintiff’s failure to comply with the discovery demands as stipulated to, the defendant moved for [*2]an order to dismiss plaintiff’s complaint for failure to comply. On May 10, 2005, the parties appeared before the Honorable Robin Garson. After oral argument on the motion, the court granted defendant’s order to show cause, and dismissed the action due to plaintiff’s failure to comply with the stipulation requiring plaintiff to comply with all outstanding discovery.

Thereafter, the plaintiff commenced the action which is the subject of defendant’s motion to dismiss, pursuant to CPLR 3212. Defendant argues that the plaintiff is attempting to relitigate the same bills which were the subject of the previous lawsuit. Defendant further argues that the bills in question do not involve different dates of service than the previous bills submitted under the prior action, and therefore plaintiff is estopped from relitigating the bills in issue due to the dismissal of plaintiff’s prior action.

In opposition to defendant’s motion to dismiss, the plaintiff argues that pursuant to CPLR 205, the plaintiff can recommence the action within six months after termination. Plaintiff argues that Judge Garson’s dismissal of the prior case limited her holding to the discovery stipulation only.

After careful consideration of the moving papers, supporting documents and opposition thereto, the court finds as follows:

The plaintiff timely commenced the instant action against the defendant seeking the same relief that it sought in the prior action.

“CPLR 205. Termination of action” states as follows:

“(a) New action by plaintiff. If an action is timely commenced and is terminated in any other manner than by a voluntary discontinuance, a failure to obtain personal jurisdiction over the defendant, a dismissal of the complaint for neglect to prosecute the action, or a final judgment upon the merits, the plaintiff, or, if the plaintiff dies, and the cause of action survives, his or her executor or administrator, may commence a new action upon the same transaction or occurrence or series of transactions or occurrences within six months after the termination provided that the new action would have been timely commenced at the time of commencement of the prior action and that service upon defendant is effected within such six-month period.”

However, this court disagrees with plaintiff’s argument that it is not precluded from commencing a new action under a new index number. The complaint was dismissed after oral argument of defendant’s motion to dismiss, on the grounds that the plaintiff failed to comply with discovery demands as per a stipulation signed by both attorneys. Plaintiff’s attempt to now argue that the discovery demands were unduly cumbersome and burdensome, and therefore plaintiff was unable to comply with said demands is too late. The arguments, as conceded to by plaintiff [*3]should have been made before the judge hearing oral argument on the motion to dismiss. Furthermore, plaintiff could have moved to reargue the motion and/or appeal the court’s decision.

In Andrea v Arnone, Hedin, Casker, Kennedy & Drake, Architects & Landscape Architects, P.C. (Habiterra Assoc.) (5 NY3d 514, 520 [2005]), the Court of Appeals held that the “neglect to prosecute” exception in CPLR 205 (a) applies not only where the dismissal of the prior action is for “[w]ant of prosecution pursuant to CPLR 3216, but whenever neglect to prosecute is in fact the basis for dismissal” (internal quotation marks omitted). The plaintiff failed to comply with discovery demands, and after repeated demands for the outstanding discovery, as well as failure to comply with a stipulation, defendant moved to dismiss the complaint, which was granted by the court.

The purpose of excluding actions dismissed for neglect to prosecute from those that can be, in substance, revived by a new filing under CPLR 205 (a) was to assure that a dismissal for neglect to prosecute would be a serious sanction, not just a bump in the road. (See, Andrea v Arnone, Hedin, Casker, Kennedy & Drake, supra; Carven Assoc. v American Home Assur. Corp., 84 NY2d 927 [1994]; Flans v Federal Ins. Co., 43 NY2d 881 [1978].)

Accordingly, defendant’s motion to dismiss is hereby granted; the complaint is dismissed in its entirety, without an imposition of sanctions.

Delta Med. Supplies, Inc. v NY Cent. Mut. Ins. Co. (2007 NY Slip Op 50241(U))

Reported in New York Official Reports at Delta Med. Supplies, Inc. v NY Cent. Mut. Ins. Co. (2007 NY Slip Op 50241(U))

Delta Med. Supplies, Inc. v NY Cent. Mut. Ins. Co. (2007 NY Slip Op 50241(U)) [*1]
Delta Med. Supplies, Inc. v NY Cent. Mut. Ins. Co.
2007 NY Slip Op 50241(U) [14 Misc 3d 1231(A)]
Decided on January 3, 2007
Civil Court Of The City Of New York, Kings County
Ash, J.
Published by New York State Law Reporting Bureau pursuant to Judiciary Law § 431.
This opinion is uncorrected and will not be published in the printed Official Reports.
Decided on January 3, 2007

Civil Court of the City of New York, Kings County

Delta Medical Supplies, Inc. a/a/o Edner Elie, Plaintiff,


NY Central Mutual Insurance Co., Defendant,


Sylvia G. Ash, J.

Plaintiff brought this action seeking recovery of first party no-fault benefits for medical services rendered to its assignor in connection with injuries sustained as a result of an automobile accident. Plaintiff is a health care provider and defendant was the no-fault insurance carrier at the time the automobile accident occurred. The amount at issue is $2,859.46. A trial on the matter was conducted by this Court on November 16, 2006. Based on the testimony and evidence adduced at trial, this Court makes the following findings of fact and conclusions of law.

The parties stipulated to the Plaintiff’s prima facie case. The only issue presented to the Court is whether or not the Defendant established the defense of lack of medical necessity. The Plaintiff presented no witnesses.

To sustain its burden of proof, the Defendant called Dr. Antoinette Perrie, D.C., L.Ac. as its chief and only witness. The parties stipulated that Dr. Perrie may testify as an expert in the field of chiropractic medicine. Dr. Perrie’s peer review report was also stipulated into evidence.

It is well settled that a health care provider’s proof of a properly completed claim form is sufficient to establish a prima facie case for recovery, thereby shifting the burden to the Defendant to show that it issued a timely denial within thirty days and/or a request for verification within ten days of receiving the claim form, (A.B. Med. Servs. PLLC v. Lumbermens Mutual Casualty Co., 4 Misc 3d 86 [App Term, 2d and 11th Jud Dists 2004]; Amaze Med. Supply Inc. V. Eagle Insurance Co., 784 NYS2d 918; Insurance Law §5106; NYCRR §65.15). It is equally well settled that where the Defendant submits a timely denial indicating the lack of medical necessity as its basis, and where said denial is supported by sufficiently detailed peer review, the burden is then shifted to the Plaintiff to establish that there was in fact a medical necessity to provide the services rendered (Choicenet Chiropractic v. Travelers Prop. Cas. Corp. (2003 NY Slip Op 50697[U], Dec. Jan. 23, 2003; NYLJ March 7, 2003 [App.Term, 2d & 11th Jud Dists.). [*2]

In the instant case, the medical supplies at issue are:

– Cervical Philadelphia Collar.

– LSO Lumbar-Sacral-Orthosis.

– Lumbar Cushion.

– Bed Board.

– Egg Create Mattress.

– Thermophore.

– Ems Unit.

– EMS Accessory Kit.

– Massager.

– Infra-Red Heating Lamp.

Defendant’s medical expert, Dr. Perrie, testified that after a review of Plaintiff’s MRI reports, medical supplies prescriptions and bills, and Plaintiff’s medical records (see pages 2 and 3 of Dr. Perrie’s peer review report dated August 14, 2004), she determined that the medical supplies prescribed to Plaintiff were not medically necessary at the time they were prescribed. Dr. Perrie testified that in her 25 years of medical practice, she had never prescribed any of the aforementioned medical supplies to a patient with Plaintiff’s complaint. Dr. Perrie further testified that given the age of the Plaintiff at the time of the accident, 75 years old, she would not have prescribed the medical supplies at issue nor would she have sent the Plaintiff to a chiropractor, she would have sent him to an orthopedic specialist instead. Dr. Perrie also questioned the timing of the prescription of the medical supplies which were prescribed to Plaintiff 2 days after the accident. Dr. Perrie stated that she would have recommended bed rest and a course of treatment for Plaintiff instead of prescribing the medical supplies at issue.

On cross examination, Dr. Perrie testified that she examined Plaintiff on August 11, 2004 and had a diagnosis of Plaintiff however, she did not include her findings in her peer review report dated August 14, 2004, because she did not remember Plaintiff or whether she had examined him. Dr. Perrie stated that the purpose of her August 11, 2004 examination of Plaintiff was to determine whether he needed further treatment. Upon further questioning, Dr. Perrie testified that she did not know whether the medical supplies prescribed were necessary or effective because she never used said supplies in her practice. The Court questions how Dr. Perrie could determine that the medical supplies in questioned were not medically necessary or effective if she had never prescribed the usage of said supplies in her 25 years of practice. Clearly Dr. Perrie has no first hand knowledge of the usefulness or effectiveness of these supplies as they relate to the injuries complained of by Plaintiff. The Court also questions Dr. Perrie’s failure to include her diagnosis of her examination of Plaintiff in her peer review report, even though said report was prepared two days after she examined the Plaintiff. The fact that Dr. Perrie stated that she did not remember the Plaintiff or remember whether she had examined him is noteworthy. [*3]

At trial, the defense that a claim was not medically necessary must be supported by sufficient factual evidence or proof and cannot simply be conclusory. Therefore, at trial, if the Defendant, as in the case at bar, provides an insufficient factual basis or medical rational for its peer review report, the Court will afford the peer review report minimal weight, and the Defendant may fail to sustain its burden of proof as was the case herein. Jacob Nir, M.D. v. Allstate Insurance Company, 7 Misc 3d 544 [NY city Civ. Ct. 2005]; A.B. Medical Services., PLLC v. New York Central Mutual Fire Ins. Co., 7 Misc 3d 1018(A) [NY City Civ. Ct. 2005].

In the case at bar, there was no testimony establishing that the treating physician’s decision to order the medical supplies was a deviation from the established standards of medical practice and procedure as they relate to the injuries complained of. Although Dr. Perrie testified that she would not have prescribed the medical supplies at issue and that she would have ordered a different course of treatment for the Plaintiff, Dr. Perrie did not submit any factual evidence or proof that her proposed course of treatment was the established standard of medical practice and procedure as related to the injuries complained of by the Plaintiff. In fact, Dr. Perrie testified that in the 25 years of her practice she had never prescribe any of the medical supplies at issue and she could not state whether said medical supplies were necessary or effective because she had never prescribed them for usage to her patients. In Ultimate Med. Supplies v. Lancer Ins. Co., 7 Misc 3d 1002[A] [Civ.Ct., Kings. Co. 2004], Defendant’s medical Doctor testified that based on her experience, none of the medical equipment prescribed were necessary. The Court found it clear that the Doctor admitted to never having prescribed any of the subject medical equipment, thus the Court held that the Doctor’s opinion was biased against the prescribing Doctor so as to make the peer review a nullity and not credible.

A no-fault insurer defending a denial of first party benefits on the ground that the billed for services or equipment/supplies were not medically necessary must show that the services or supplies/equipment provided were inconsistent with generally accepted medical/professional practices. The opinion of the insurer’s expert, standing alone, is insufficient to carry the insurer’s burden of proving that the services or supplies/equipment were not medically necessary. Expo Medical Supplies, Inc. v. Clarendon Insurance Company, 12 Misc 3d 1154(A), 819 NYS2d 209, 2006 WL 1341418; City Wide Social Work & Psychological Servs. v. Travelers Indem. Co., 3 Misc 3d 608 [Civ.Ct., Kings Co., 2004]; Ultimate Med Supplies v. Lancer Ins. Co., Supra.

Based on the above facts, the Court finds that Defendant failed to meet its burden of establishing lack of medical necessity. Hence, the burden never shifted back to the Plaintiff to establish that the prescribed supplies were in conformity with established medical practices and procedures.

Accordingly, judgment shall be entered in favor of the Plaintiff in the amount of

$2,859.46, plus statutory interest, costs, and attorneys fees.

This constitutes the decision and order of this Court.

[*4]DATED: January 3, 2007



New York Massage Therapy P.C. v State Farm Mut. Ins. Co. (2006 NY Slip Op 52573(U))

Reported in New York Official Reports at New York Massage Therapy P.C. v State Farm Mut. Ins. Co. (2006 NY Slip Op 52573(U))

New York Massage Therapy P.C. v State Farm Mut. Ins. Co. (2006 NY Slip Op 52573(U)) [*1]
New York Massage Therapy P.C. v State Farm Mut. Ins. Co.
2006 NY Slip Op 52573(U) [14 Misc 3d 1231(A)]
Decided on December 22, 2006
Civil Court Of The City Of New York, Kings County
Ash, J.
Published by New York State Law Reporting Bureau pursuant to Judiciary Law § 431.
This opinion is uncorrected and will not be published in the printed Official Reports.
Decided on December 22, 2006

Civil Court of the City of New York, Kings County

New York Massage Therapy P.C. a/a/o Artur Yusupov, Plaintiff,


State Farm Mutual Insurance Company, Defendant.


Sylvia G. Ash, J.

Plaintiff brought this action seeking recovery of first party no-fault benefits for medical services rendered to its assignor in connection with injuries sustained as a result of an automobile accident. Plaintiff is a health care provider and Defendant was the no-fault insurance carrier at the time the accident occurred. The amount at issue is $810.32. A trial on the matter was conducted by this Court on September 13, 2006. Based on the evidence and testimony adduced at trial, this Court makes the following findings of fact and conclusions of law.

To establish its prima facie case, Plaintiff submitted a Notice to Admit duly served on the Defendant and an Order issued by Judge Eileen N. Nadelson dated December 8, 2005 granting Plaintiff’s motion for summary judgment and dismissing Defendant’s cross-motion to dismiss. The Defendant moved for a Directed Verdict. The Court reserved decision. With regard to Judge Nadelson’s December 8, 2005 Order, the Court notes that this Order is with regard to a different Plaintiff and a different Index Number separate from the case at bar. Therefore, said Order has no bearing on this case.

With regard to Plaintiff’s Notice to Admit, the Court notes that the purpose of a Notice to Admit is to eliminate from the issues in litigation matters which will not be in dispute at trial. Desilva v. Rosenberg, 236 AD2d 508, 645 NYS2d 30 (2d Dept. 1997); Miller v. Hillman Kelly Co. 578 NYS2d 319 {177 AD2d 1036} (4th Dept. 1991). Defendant’s denial of Plaintiff’s claim is based on Plaintiff’s failure to appear for a scheduled EUO pursuant to a subpoena and lack of coverage based on fraud in that the accident was staged. In an action for first-party no-fault benefits, the Plaintiff establishes its prima facie burden by proof that it submitted a claim setting forth the facts, the amount of the loss sustained, and that payment of no-fault benefits is overdue. Mary Immaculate Hosp. v. Allstate Ins. Co., 5 AD3d 742 [2004]; Amaze Med. Supply v. Eagle Ins. Co. 2 Misc 3d 128 [A], 2003 NY Slip Op 51701[U] [App Term, 2d & 11th Jud Dists]; Damadian MRI in Elmhurst v. Liberty Mut. Ins. Co., 2 Misc 3d 128[A], 2003 NY Slip Op 51700[U] [App Term, 9th & 10th Jud Dists]). The Court finds that Plaintiff established its prima [*2]facie case with the submission of its Notice to Admit.

Generally, an insured seeking to recover for a loss under an insurance policy has the burden of proving that a loss occurred and that the loss was a covered event within the terms of the policy. A.B. Medical Services, PLLC v. State Farm Mutual Automobile Ins. Company, 7 Misc 3d 822, 795 NYS2d 843 [Civ. Ct. Kings County 2005]. Whatever the risk or loss covered, it has long been the insured’s burden to prove coverage under the policy. A.B. Medical Services, id. At 825.

The Plaintiff’s prima facie showing establishes a presumption of coverage. A.B. Medical Services, PLLC, id at 825. Once the Plaintiff makes a prima facie showing, the burden of explanation or of “going forward with the case” falls upon the defendant. Mount Sinai Hosp. v. Triboro Coach Inc., 263 AD2d 11, 699 NYS2d 77 [2d Dept., 1999]. This burden, in effect, allows the Defendant to disprove the presumption of coverage, thus demonstrating its denial of Plaintiff’s complaints. Palmier v. United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company, 135 AD2d 1057 (3rd Dept. 1987). No-fault insurance policies cover only vehicular accidents. A deliberate collision is not a covered accident. State Farm Mutual Automobile Ins. Co. v. Laguerre, 3035 AD2d 490, 759 NYS2d 531 [2nd Dept. 2003]; Allstate Insurance Co. v.Massre, 14 AD3rd 610, 789 NYS2d 206 [2nd Dept. 2005]. When a collision is an intentional act, not an accident, there is no coverage “regardless of whether the intentional collision was motivated by fraud or malice.” Government Employees Ins. Co. v. Shaulskaya, 302 AD2nd 522, 756 NYS2d 79 [2nd Dept. 2003].

The standard of proof to be applied in the staged accident arena is preponderance of the evidence. Universal Open MRI of the Bronx, P.C.v. State Farm Mut. Auto Ins., 12 Misc 3d 1151(A) (N.Y.Civ. Ct. Kings County 2006); V.S. Medical Services, P.C., v. Allstate Insurance Company, 11 Misc 3d 334, (NY Civ. Kings County 2006); A.B. Medical Services, PLLC, supra .

If an insurer has a “founded belief” that the alleged accident was not a true accident, it can deny the claim based on 11 NYCR 65-3.8(e)(2). The insurer has the burden to come forward with proof in admissible form to establish the fact or the evidentiary foundation for its belief that there is no coverage. A.B. Medical Services, PLLC v. State Farm Mutual Automobile Ins. Co., 7 Misc. 3rd 11, 699 NYS2d 55 (2nd Dept.). If this threshold is reached, the burden shifts to the Plaintiff to rebut the Defendant’s case. When all the evidence has been submitted, the finder of fact must determine whether the evidence preponderates in favor of the Plaintiff or the Defendant. V.S. Medical Services, P.C., supra .

At trial Plaintiff did not present any witnesses. Defendant called as its principal and only witness Don Willsey. Mr. Willsey stated he has been a State Farm employee for 12 years and for the last 7 years he has been assigned to the Special Investigation Unit where he investigates no-fault claims that are deemed to be suspicious. Mr. Willsey gave testimony about a list of “suspicious indicators” used by State Farm to determine whether there is a basis to deny a claim which includes but is not limited to:

Recent purchase of the insurance policy. [*3]

Vehicle insured is an older model.

P.O. Box is used for the insured address.

Failure to cooperate with scheduled E.U.O

Vehicle and/or claimants have been involved in multiple

accidents in a short period of time.

In addition to the above “suspicious indicators” Mr. Willsey stated that State Farm also relies on information obtained from the National Insurance Crime Bureau and an in-house State Farm Link Chart.. Mr Willsey stated that the following suspicious indicators were present in the case at bar:

Driver of the insured vehicle was involved in 2

accident over a short period of time.

Driver of insured vehicle was involved in an

accident on 11/19/05 one month before the alleged

accident in question.

Passenger in 11/19/05 accident had 3 prior accidents

Both vehicles involved in the alleged accident

were older model vehicles.

An insurance claim was previously submitted to

another insurance carrier.

Driver of insured vehicle did not appear for

scheduled E.U.O.

Insured appeared for scheduled E.U. but was

not cooperative.

Based on the above, Mr. Willsey stated that it was his opinion that the accident was staged. However, on cross-examination, Mr. Willsey testified that he did not personally investigate the claim, he was not involved in the investigation of the claim, he was not present at the scheduled E.U.O., he did not visit the scene of the accident and he was not involved in the decision to deny the claim.

The Court determines that Defendant failed to come forward with proof in “admissible form” to establish the “fact” or the evidentiary “foundation” to buttress its belief that the injuries alleged by the assignor did not arise from an insured accident. The Defendant failed to proffer admissible evidence to rebut the presumption of coverage that attaches to the Plaintiff’s properly completed claim form. Mr. Willsey has no first hand knowledge of the events concerning the facts and investigation of the claim, and most importantly, he was not privy to the discussions and reasoning which resulted in the denial of the claim. The above “suspicious indicators” used by Defendant as a basis for denial of Plaintiff’s claim, taken together or alone does not sustain defendant’s burden by a preponderance of the evidence. At best, such “suspicious indicators” are speculative and not determinative.

Based upon the foregoing, this Court concludes that the Defendant has failed to come forward with evidence of a staged accident or that the loss giving rise to this action was [*4]intentional, and thus the burden of persuasion was never shifted to Plaintiff. Accordingly, judgment is to be entered in favor of Plaintiff in the amount of $810.32 plus statutory interest and attorney’s fees. This constitutes the Decision and Order of this Court.

DATED: December 22, 2006_________________________________


Andrew Carothers, M.D., P.C. v Progressive Ins. Co. (2006 NY Slip Op 52479(U))

Reported in New York Official Reports at Andrew Carothers, M.D., P.C. v Progressive Ins. Co. (2006 NY Slip Op 52479(U))

Andrew Carothers, M.D., P.C. v Progressive Ins. Co. (2006 NY Slip Op 52479(U)) [*1]
Andrew Carothers, M.D., P.C. v Progressive Ins. Co.
2006 NY Slip Op 52479(U) [14 Misc 3d 1210(A)]
Decided on December 21, 2006
Civil Court Of The City Of New York, Kings County
Gold, J.
Published by New York State Law Reporting Bureau pursuant to Judiciary Law § 431.
This opinion is uncorrected and will not be published in the printed Official Reports.
Decided on December 21, 2006

Civil Court of the City of New York, Kings County

Andrew Carothers, M.D., P.C. A/A/O WAYNE LOVELL, Plaintiff,


Progressive Insurance Company, Defendant.

89030 KCV 2005

Lila P. Gold, J.

Plaintiff commenced this action under the No-Fault provisions of the Insurance Law to recover fees in the amount of $879.73 for medical services provided to its assignor.

Plaintiff proceeded to offer evidence via the presentation of documents and testimony of Octavio Rodriguez, a billing manager for Advanced Heathcare Solutions, L.L.C., formerly known as Medtrx, L.L.C. in order to establish a prima facie entitlement for payment of the no-fault benefits.

To establish a prima facie case, a plaintiff is required to submit proof that it timely sent its claim for no-fault benefits to the defendant, that defendant received the claim and that defendant failed to pay or deny the claim within thirty days. (See Amaze Medical Supply Inc. v. Allstate Insurance Company, 3 Misc 3d 133A [App Term 2nd & 11th Jud Dists 2003]).

Mr. Rodriguez testified that it was his duty to generate bills (NF-3) from information sent over a secure internet website from Andrew Carothers, M.D. P.C. Additionally his duties included preparing the envelope with the appropriate label and postage, placing the required documents necessary to process a claim into the envelope, sealing the envelope and bringing it to the post office, where he would receive a proof of mailing which was then scanned into the computer system upon his return to the billing office from the post office.

Plaintiff offered the claim form (NF-3), the signed Assignment of Benefits form (NF-AOB), proof of mailing, together with a copy of the treating doctor’s referral and the MRI narrative into evidence.

Plaintiff further strengthened its prima facie case by having Defendant’s denial form (NF-10) admitted into evidence for the limited purpose of showing that the claim was received timely by the Defendant.(See A.B. Med. Serv., P.L.L.C. v. New York Central Mut. Fire Ins. Co., 3 Misc 3d 136(A); see also Kings Medical Supply, Inc. v. Country-Wide Ins. Co., 5 Misc 3d 767).

At this point Plaintiff rested and Defendant made a motion for a directed verdict as, in his opinion, Plaintiff did not establish a prima facie entitlement to the no-fault benefits. Defendant’s position was that Plaintiff did not lay the proper foundation to have its documents admitted into evidence.

This motion was denied. The court finds that Plaintiff did in fact lay the proper [*2]foundation to submit the documents into evidence, via the testimony of Mr. Rodriguez. “Where an entity routinely relies upon the business records of another entity in the performance of its own business and fully incorporates said information into the records made in the regular course of its business, the subsequent record is admissible notwithstanding that the preparer lacked personal knowledge of the information’s accuracy.” (See Pine Hollow Medical P.C. v. Progressive Casualty Insurance Co., 2006 NY Slip Op 51870U) Since Advance Healthcare Solutions L.L.C. is a billing company whose regular business is to produce bills based on information imparted to them by Plaintiff and maintained these records in the regular course of its business, the proper business record foundation was established to admit the documents into evidence (CPLR 4518[a]). (See Plymouth Rock Fuel Corp. v. Leucadia Inc., 117A.D. 2d 727; see also West Valley Fire District No. 1 v. Village of Springville,264 AD2d 949)

Once Plaintiff established its prima facie entitlement, the burden shifted to the Defendant to substantiate their basis for denying the claim. The Defendant contended that the services provided lacked medical necessity and therefore Defendant was not obligated to pay the claim.

However, the Court finds that before the issue of medical necessity is reached, the Defendant must overcome the fatal defects contained in the NF-10. Namely, the NF-10 was untimely on its face, as it denied the claim on May 2, 2005 after receiving the bill on March 14, 2005. Additionally, the NF-10 is factually insufficient, conclusory and vague in explaining the reason for denial of benefits. (See Amaze Med. Supply v Allstate Ins. Co., 3 Misc 3d 43, 779 NYS2d 715) The claim was denied for failure to establish medical necessity and the denial failed to set forth with sufficient particularity the factual basis and medical rationale for its denial based on lack of medical necessity. (See A.B. Med. Servs. P.L.L.C. v. GEICO Cas. Ins. Co., 2006 NY Slip Op 26133)

To overcome these defects, Defendant called Ms. Michelle Cusano, a Litigation Team Leader for the Defendant, Progressive Insurance Company. She testified that her duties were to review claim files in preparation for litigation. It was her testimony that the NF-10 was timely since a verification request was sent thereby tolling the deadline for the denial. It was her contention that the verification was answered on April 12, 2005 and therefore the NF-10, sent on May 2, 2005, was timely.

She further testified that the NF-10 was not factually insufficient, conclusory or vague in explaining the reason for the denial since it was accompanied by a peer review report which set forth the reason for denial with sufficient particularity and medical rationale. It was her testimony that since she saw the NF-10 and the peer review report in the file and under the general office procedure of mailing, it would have been placed in the claims file contemporaneously with their mailing. Therefore, she deduced that it was mailed together.

Ms. Cusano testified that although she was not the person who was responsible to mail the verification request and it was not even her duty to ensure that the request was sent, she knew that it was sent because she had previously worked in the processing department in the late 1990’s and at that time it was her responsibility to generate the verification requests. She described the procedure she would take in detail; attempting to establish the mailing of the [*3]verification request.

On cross examination, Ms. Cusano stated that the person in the processing department would print three copies of a verification request. One copy was sent to the mail room to be mailed to the person whom they needed verification from; the second copy was placed in a 30-day box, which would be used to monitor whether or not an answer to the request was received; and the third copy was placed in the claim file. It was that third copy, coupled with the fact that the verification request was answered, which led Ms. Cusano to the conclusion that the verification request was properly mailed.

When asked of whom the verification was requested, Ms. Cusano told the court that it was Dr. Kleyman. Plaintiff maintained that if three copies are printed; one copy to Dr. Kleyman, the second copy placed in the 30-day box, and the third copy in the claims file, then the Plaintiff, Andrew Carothers M.D. P.C. was not mailed a verification request. Only then did Ms. Cusano state that sometimes a forth copy is printed.

Plaintiff then asked Ms. Cusano if at the time of her employment in the processing department and now relating to the general office practice, whether she would fill in all the relevent boxes on the NF-10; she answered, “yes.” When asked if a verification request was sent and received, would those boxes be filled in on the NF-10; again she answered, “yes.” When shown that boxes No.28 (Date final verification requested) & #

29 (Date final verification received) on the NF-10 were blank she responded that the boxes were obviously left blank in error.

Within thirty days of receiving a claim, the insurer shall either pay or deny the claim in whole or in part (see 11 NYCRR 65.15 [g] [3]). This 30-day period may be extended by a timely demand by the insurance company for further verification of a claim (see 11 NYCRR 65.15 [d] [1]). Since the Court finds that the mailing of the verification request had not been proven, the 30-day period was not extended and therefore the denial was untimely on its face. Thus, Plaintiff demonstrated a prima facie showing of entitlement to judgment as a matter of law with evidence that their claims were neither denied nor paid within the requisite time period. (see Insurance Law § 5106 [a]; 11 NYCRR 65.15 [g] [3])

Moreover, even if Defendant timely issued the denial within 30 days of its receipt of the claim a proper denial of claim must include the information called for in the prescribed denial of claim form (see 11 NYCRR 65-3.4[c][11]; Nyack Hosp. v State Farm Mut. Auto. Ins. Co., 11 AD3d 664) The denial of claim form issued by Defendant in this action, even if timely, was fatally defective in that it omitted items of requested information, and thus was incomplete (see 11 NYCRR 65-3.4[c][11]; Nyack Hosp. v State Farm Mut. Auto. Ins. Co., 11 AD3d 664; Nyack Hosp. v Metro. Prop. & Cas. Ins. Co., 16 AD3d 564).

Additionally, Ms. Cusano’s testimony relating to the general office procedure regarding mailing was vague and conclusory, lacking knowledge of the procedure designed to ensure that items are properly addressed and mailed. (See Hospital for Joint Diseases v. Nationwide Mutual Ins. Co., 284 AD2d 374; Residential Holding Corp. v. Scottsdale Ins. Co., 286A.D. 2d 679) The [*4]portion of her testimony relating to the mailing of the NF-10 strengthened Plaintiff’s prima facie case, that the bills were actually mailed, but did nothing to establish her knowledge of the actual mailing procedures. She admitted that it was not part of her duty to oversee the mailing procedures or to ensure that a peer review report was sent together with the NF-10. Furthermore, she stated that at the time that she worked in the processing department, it was not the general office procedure to mail the peer review reports together with the NF-10s.

Moreover, Defendant’s witness Ms. Cusano could not establish that the peer review report was actually sent to Plaintiff and the NF-10 did not state that a peer review report was attached, rather it merely stated that “Based on the results of an independent peer review, medical justification and/or necessity cannot be established for the services billed. Therefore, your request for reimbursement is denied.”

Although Ms. Cusano described the general office procedure in mailing the verification request and the peer review report, she based her knowledge of the actual mailing of those documents solely on the fact that they were contained in the claim file that she reviewed for litigation purposes. This was not sufficient to constitute proof of a standard office practice or procedure designed to ensure that items are properly addressed and mailed (see Residential Holding Corp. v. Scottsdale Ins. Co., 286 AD2d 679, 729 NYS2d 776 [2001]). Nor did her testimony state that it was her duty to ensure compliance with said office procedures or that she had actual knowledge that said office procedures were complied with (see Contemp. Med. Diag. & Treatment, P.C. v Government Empls. Ins. Co., 6 Misc 3d 137A, 800 NYS2d 344, 2005 NY Slip Op 50254U [App Term, 2d & 11th Jud Dists]). Inasmuch as Defendant herein failed to establish by competent proof that the verification request was mailed and that the peer review report was mailed together with the NF-10, they did not make the requisite showing to establish that a proper denial was sent. (See Gribenko v. Allstate Ins. Co., 2005 NY Slip Op 52201U; Accessible and Advance Medical P.C. v. Allstate Ins. Co., 2006 NY Slip Op 51599U)

It is apparent to the Court that there are numerous conflicting decisions relating to proper testimony regarding the standard general office procedure of mailing. It is this Courts opinion that for the sake of judicial economy and for the sake of dispensing with the constant mailing issues arising in these cases, the Insurance Companies should produce the proper witnesses from the mailing room, who could testify that it is their duty to ensure that items are properly addressed and mailed or it is their duty to ensure compliance with said general office procedures or that they have actual knowledge that the mailing procedure, as part of the standard general office procedure, is followed.

Although the Court allowed Defendant to call Dr. Hadhoud, the author of the peer review report upon which the denial was based, to testify regarding the necessity of the services rendered, the issue of medical necessity need not have been reached.

The Court finds that, as a matter of law, even if Defendant’s doctor would persuasively testify that the medical service provided lacked medical necessity, this testimony would not cure the legal insufficiency of the proffered untimely denial.

Therefore, judgment should be entered for the plaintiff in the amount of $879.73, plus [*5]interest and attorneys’ fees as provided by the Insurance Law, together with the statutory costs and disbursements in this action.

This opinion constitutes the decision of the Court. A copy of this decision will be mailed to the parties.

Dated:December 21, 2006


Lila P. Gold, J.C.C.